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27 February 2011

Cer:pen 3 hari

Cherita nie start on 24 feb 2011(khamis)... 

Asalnye pagi tu sakit sikt2 jer...tnjuk gagah la kononnye...pegi ofis dengan chenta hati....dah tau selesema n batuk2...rajin jugak ke opis neh.... 
Lagi teruk bila tau ade kelas...tak sanggup nak bercakap 30 minits tanpa henti... So,alasannye....masuk kelas kul 10 am dengan niat tak mo bg lecture ari nie...tak mo ngajo...tapi last2 mulut ni cakap jugak tanpa henti dekat 30 minits...lagi2 laaaa batuk...dengan perasaan seperti air sungai mengalir tanpa henti a.k.a hidung berair coz selesema...b4 kul 11 am stop the klas... 

Back to my lovely chair n pc...membatu hampir 1jam pikir mau pegi klinik or tak... Lastly,msj my student "kelas ari ni dibatalkan"....waaaaaaaa...seronok ar tak payah cakap bebanyak... 

Tnggu encik chinta hati abes klas, dekat kul 12.30 pm dah kluar menuju ke klinik dengan confident nye..... Tapi, semua klinik tutup kul 12.30 pm laaa...huhuhu....mana la tau tokei klinik pun rehat time tu...huwaaaaaaaa...... 

Then, pegi lunch berdua coz encik memang dah kelaporan yang amat.... 
After lunch,bergegas dia hantar saya balik rumah coz kul 2 pm dia ade klas lg....planningnye akan ke klinik lg di malam hari.... After maghrib,ke klinik lg.Last choice adalah KLINIK DOSHI coz takmo tnggu lama2 n nk dapatkan MC keje separuh ari jer ari tu....

Hari jumaat: Pas smbahyang subuh...telan ubat lagi n tido mcm pengsan....sedar2 dah kul 11.30 am...amat tidak senonoh si anak dara tido lama + bangun,sy ade alasan okei....demam selesema..keh3.... Aktiviti sepanjang hari adalah jahit manik dibaju sambil tengok tv....telan ubat......tido...bangun......

Hari sabtu alami kehidupan sama dihari jumaat......

Hari ni (ahad 27 feb 2011)....baru ler aku tersedar bahawasanye aku memang terkurung dalam rumah je bermula petang kamis, jumaat n sabtu...hohoho....

dan pagi tadi pertama kalinye aku sentuh cik iPANEMA selepas ditanggalkan ari kamis lalu...huhuhu.... 

gambar hiasan saje...cik iPANEMA sy malo nak posim..ngeh3

endingnye:- diri ini terase amat cerah dan gebu kerana terkurung di rumah...hehehehe

17 February 2011

Disenaraikan kat bawah ni jenis2 makanan/buahan yang boleh memudahkan pembakaran kalori dalam badan kita.....

beans (all varieties)
citrus fruits
corn including air popped
frozen low fat waffles and pancakes,
grains and grain products
jam (sugar free low cal only)
pasta (low fat preferably whole grain)
root vegetables


Mushroom soup - masak sendiri laaa... tumis bawang guna sedikit olive oil,plus pepper + sayur-mayur yg disenaraikan di atas...
Potatoes tomatoes n sayur yg sesuai then campur bawang goreng....sedap!!!
Menu lagi sihat...xperlu guna minyak...rebus je semua yer...ngeeee.....

.....Peberet sy sume tu coz sy orang bujang....hehehe..... kalau duk ngan family n masak 1 jenis je,nanti dikatanye kita malas....walaupun hakikatnye saya memang malas.

copy: 3 Top Tips to Burn Body Fat....

Sperti tajuk kat atas tu...copy:3 Top Tips to Burn Body Fat...saya copy from Free Fitness Tips .
Sumber dan rujukan utama saya adalah dari website tersebut.

Being fat can have a number of negative effects. Not only does it impede your health but it can also leave you open to personal insult and impede your performance in a number of activities including sports. Ultimately, being fat has an adverse effect on your life and can often stop you reaching your full potential. In this article I outline how you can burn body fat by focussing on three key areas of your diet; Daily Caloric Intake, Unhealthy Foods and Meal Plans.

1) DAILY CALORIC INTAKE:- Before you start burning any fat you need to start monitoring how many calories you are consuming each day. If you do not keep a daily check on how many calories are in the foods that you are eating you could be negating the effects of any additional exercise you do. Why? Because you may be unwittingly consuming the additional calories that you burn when exercising. For example, you may be going for a jog each day but also eating an extra chocolate bar and packet of crisps without realising. Therefore, you need to write down the foods you eat every day during the course of a week, work out the total calories and then determine your average daily caloric intake. After you have calculated this you then need to make sure that you stick to this even when you are doing additional exercise. This will ensure that you are burning more calories than you consume and ultimately that you burn body fat.

2) UNHEALTHY FOOD:- Apart from monitoring your daily caloric intake it is also useful to identify unhealthy foods in your diet and then replace them with a healthier option or remove them completely. Drinks are a particular area where unhealthy options can really pile on the calories. For example if you buy a tall latte each morning from your local coffee shop guess how many calories it can contain? Between 200 and 500. That’s 200-500 calories on a drink that can easily be substituted with a zero calorie glass of water, a zero calorie black coffee or a 5-10 calorie milky coffee (depending on the type of milk used). Carbonated drinks are another source of empty calories that can easily be substituted with a drink of water. Dressings and condiments also add unwanted calories to a potentially healthy meal. Salad dressing is one of the main sources of fat in the average American woman’s diet so make sure you check the calories and always choose the low calorie option. There are many other areas of your diet I could discuss but overall you need to keep an eye on the nutritional information of everything you eat and pay particular attention to your consumption of saturated fats and empty calories.
3) PLANNING YOUR MEALS:- By taking the time to plan and know what you are eating in advance you can prepare healthier, low fat, low calorie meals. Although this will take a little extra time, if you want to burn body fat it is a much better option than going for quick and easy takeaways. To create a menu containing both healthy and tasty meals you are likely to need some assistance. Check online recipe websites, weight loss forums, recipe books (and hopefully this blog in the future) to get some inspiration. Once you have chosen your new healthy menu make sure that it contains less calories than your old diet, otherwise your new meal plan will not help you burn body fat. Also try to stick to your new menu as much as possible. It is OK to have pizza or a burger sometimes but the point of planning your meals in advance is to avoid the temptation of unhealthy food.
In conclusion, looking at these three core dietary areas and making the suggested changes can really help you burn body fat. All you have to do is determine your average daily caloric intake, then reduce it by removing unhealthy foods and preparing more healthy meals. Simple really – reduce the number of calories going in and increase the amount of body fat that you burn.

**Pesanan dari sy: kepada yg suke mmbaca boleh la subscribe untuk "Get Free Fitness Tips by Email Every Day for a Full Year"...ngeeeee...... Sila Klik di sini untuk Free Fitness Tips!!!!

16 February 2011


......mau beli cincin......
bajet hampir RM 0.7k....
kalau boleh dikurangkan ke RM 0.5k bagus gak....
bajet ciput jer...huh...
aku kedekut a.k.a xcukup bajet...huuuuuu.... 

first step; mesti pergi merisik kabar berdua jer....tengok2 yg mana berkenan... 
second step,angkut ngan parent or anti2 nye jugak... 
AKU?single...tanpa ditemani oleh my mum...hummmm... 
itulah padahnye bila jauh ngan mak ayah...keputusan sendiri jer.huh!!!!
Last step...dah berkenan,beli je la!!! 

kurus poket ni...
susut aset kat bank...huhuhu.... 
Nak beli barang2 lain lg...
tnggu aset bertambah.. 
pas tu,baru planning lagih...

tapi, dapat benda baik wei...
lagi manyak untung wooooo....ngeeeeeee

12 February 2011

Perasaan ku........

Ini post tentang hati yang sedang gedix....gumbira bahagia bang...hehehe......
Yupp.....alhamdulillah..... syukur dengan setiap ape yang telah aku perolehi hingga hari ini.....
Adenye dia yang suke buat muka tidak bersalah...... 
Diam apabila marah....
bersuara hanya untuk memberi sedikit teguran yang baik...
soft spoken....ermmmmm...
saya terlalu menghormati diri nya dan juga pendirian hidupnya....
Slowly planning for the second cherita in life..... 
Perlu sentiasa update & discuss even de small thing pun..... 
coz melibatkan saya,dia, family saya & family dia..... 
Memandangkan saya orang kelantan sejati, family2 saya (family besar termasuk mak sedare & pak sedare saya) agak cerewet untuk menerima budaya org selain dari orang negeri sendiri.... 
coz,we all always expect org luar akan beri layanan sama macam we all bagi...
especially time majlis kawin...
hooooooo...macam2 hal berlaku.... 
bila ade je small thing yang tak kena,akan ade laaaa story mory.....
Tapi....bila okei je(berpuas hati)....diam tanpa suara laaa....hehehe

SO...ape perlu saya buat untuk menjaga nama & hubungan baik ke dua-dua family sy ek??????


05 February 2011


Dah lega...hilang dup dap dup dap sy tue...hehehe...

Masa dah selesai tuh...ending of majlis....time baca doa....
Rasa mcm....huuuuuu...terharunyeeeee......
nok nitik air mata waser....padohal baru small event tu...heeeee...takot lerr....

Saya tengok org tu tersengih jer....start majlis sampai ler abes majlis....sengih tak abes2....heeeee...
Lelaki...oh lelaki.....kamo seorang yg sangat cool.......tenang always....

Bak kata sepupu sy: ehhh...comey (nsem) budok tu...padan doh nge kak....
(aku yg duk tengoh basuh cawan kat dapur tuh rase mcm nok gollek2 jer coz bangga laaaaa bila org puji kekasih ati ensem...hik3..... opsssss...terlebih sudah!!!)

Alhamdullillah....dia sgt menarik perhatian mata yg memandang...hehehe....

Thanx to all familynye yang berkunjung ke kampung ku a.k.a kampung pokok getah coz kat kampung sy tue byk sgt2 pokok getah...hehehehe....

Terkezut jugak laaa coz ade bawa somting untuk sy... org rumah sy xde provide ape2 pun coz ari tu ckp nk pegi saje2...huhuhu... so,xder laaa sedia yang special pun...huhuhu..... tapi,its okei laaaa coz balas la jugak serba sedikit untuk mereka.....

Reaksi ayah sy: tenang menerima kunjungan familynya.... tp agak terkejut coz ramai walaupun telah diberitahu oleh sy kedatangan mereka itu lbh kurang 10 org dewasa n ade laaaa kanak2 ribena jugak....hehehehe.. ...penuh ruang tamu rumah tu...ermmmmm.......
seperti rumah yg dah besar tu,perlu dibesarkan lagi..huhuhu....

Kedatangan familynye tu ditunggu oleh masakan yg sy sendiri sediakan....hahahaha.... tapi mak sy yg uruskan sume tu dr xtvt pembersihan tulang lembu, udang n juz masak jer...keh keh keh........... sedap or tak laen citer laaaa yer...huhuhuhu..... 
menu lunch adelah :

sup tulang, 
telur dadar, 
udang goreng kunyit, 
ayam masak halia....
haaaa...itu jer....huhuhuhu... 

pas tu ade la jugak sediakan kuih2 seperti
kuih lapis (ditempah)
karipap yg ditempah serta 
popia isi ketam bersama sayur(sy buat sendiri okei...hohohoho.....)
Daku sudah tidak sabo untuk memakai baju ini.... perlu tambah manik2 untuk memeriahkan baju ini!!!

02 February 2011

Bakal Berakhir jugak!!

Ha'a....aku bangga....memang teramat bangga.....dan aku sangat2 bersyukur dengan ape yang aku dah ade sekarang.....
---bersyukur pada-MU Ya ALLAH---

Dalam masa 3 bulan, aku dah dapatkan 3 benda....
semua tu adelah Liabiliti walaupun dimata orang lain akan nampak benda tu adelah ASET...huhuhu..
.ini kerana...daku perlu menanggung "mereka bertiga".... 
pendek kata:sewa-beli...huhuhu...

Firstly...akhir november...mendapat RM30k dari cik EASY-RHB.... december....Diberi sebijik cik D7k untuk aktiviti Photogedix....

Ketiga....end week of January 2011....saya menang kereta!!! free je dijalanan....hehehe
Lebih kurang camni ler kekasih ati sy...hik3..... tapi kaler putih yer... sy berdftar utk jd org Negri Pahang kerana plat CCT........ngeeee

Dan pada ari ahad(1 february 2011)....saya telah berbelanja CASH hampir RM4k dalam masa 30 minit...huhuhu..... 
Baru je nak berlagak banyak duit...huhuhu........ 
Lastly si encik sales manager tuh bagi balance empat ploh hinggit n diskaun lg empat hinggit.........
Thanx to encik Sam sales manager Proton....smoga anda dimurahkan rezki hendakNYA....

Besok pagi (kamis 3 February 2011), sy bersama CCT ditemani oleh encik driver & familynya akan bertolak ke kampung halaman sy... menuju ke KB first utk cari homestay n then hantar sy balik rumah.... 

Besoknye(jumaat 4 february 2011) akan ade rombonga jenjalan merisik khabar di rumah sy....... 
semoga penerimaan baik bagi pihak mereka... Al-maklum org kampung....hidup biasa2 je.... sedia ape adanye......
Semoga pihak family sy & dia boleh menerima antara satu sama lain... family mesti sokong pilihan anak2 mereka supaya anak2 mereka boleh hidup bahagia jugak....insyaALLAH.....

....semoga perjalanan kami selamat sampai ke destinasi......aminnnn

"untuk pengetahuan telah mula rase dup dap dup dap....berdebar laaaa katakan...huhuhuhu"